Why Hand paint when vinyl is cheaper?

Hand painted signs offer a quality that vinyl can not capture.
Vinyl is cheaper because it is cheap, they will suffer more damage from UV and over time break down, crake, peel, and fade. However hand-painted signs will last much longer, this is because we use high quality US made paint intended to stay bright and last in the sun. Which is great in in the Southwest where the sun doesn’t quit. 
Choosing to hand paint over vinyl also means you are choosing to support a local small business.
We have also noticed that the community respects a hand painted wall more than a bare or vinyl coated wall. 

How long does a mural take?

No two pieces are alike, however our team is quick and efficient. Many murals can be painted in less than a week. The largest mural Magic Media has installed to date is the ground level mural at BikeShed. The piece is 69’ long by 24’ tall and took our team 5 days, roughly 9-5, to install.

Can we document your team painting?

To an extent, Yes. Hand painting a mural or signage is always a sight to be seen, and will frequently stop people in their tracks on a busy day to see what is happening. We have had people change their plans to come back a few days later to see the end result. We don’t mind the occasional photo or short video of our team working for social media or marketing, as long as it doesn’t effect our team. We can work with you in setting up a time lapse camera to document the process, or if you want to have a professional team document, photograph or film that can be arranged. 

We are based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, however budget depending we don’t mind traveling. 

Does your team travel?